Personal Narrative: My Perfect Day At College

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My Perfect Day at College
I lied in bed at night thinking about how much I wanted to know how it must feel to go to college. As I fell asleep, a bright light involved me and I started feeling strange like I was flying. I woke up feeling very cold, but, surprisingly, very happy. I wasn’t at my usual room anymore, but the place did not feel strange. It felt like I was, somehow, in the future, but I did not find anything about it strange, almost like I knew what to do even though it all seemed very strange to me. It just felt like it was going to be a good day. Although most people would be tempted to go back to bed and sleep throughout the day when they looked out the window and saw everything covered in white, I felt inspired. The way the snow covered the buildings made it feel just like a Disney movie. New England’s winter was a piece of art. I looked at the watch on my wrist: 7 AM. I had plenty of time to keep staring at the window and admiring the beauty of this season. So, I go and make me some coffee with toast and Nutella, my favorite topping, and just sat by the window with the newspaper. …show more content…

Firstly, there is much more autonomy and responsibility involved with your schedule and tasks you have to do. To simplify, if you do not want to do something you can simply not do it, but you will have to face the harsh consequences after. Also, college comes with the responsibility of monitoring your income, paying bills, and working. Things changed a lot from high school to college. In high school I was in my hometown, living with my parents. I had my mom to cook for me and give me money to buy things, paying for my education, my food, my transportation, my health, and all my necessities. At college, though my parents paid the tuition, I had to work to sustain my apartment with water, electricity, and food. The responsibilities you have are exponentially bigger in college than in high

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