My Pursuit Of Life: My Purpose Of The Good Life

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What is the good life? Is it resting poolside with millions of dollars? Or having the perfect family? Owing designer clothes or the newest iPhone? Maybe scoring perfect GPA? While I may enjoy my iPhone and I do not mind having some money, they are not what will ultimately satisfy me. The purpose of my life is rooted in the Gospels. In John 4:32, Christ said that he has food that we do not know of. As strange as it may sound, this food gives me purpose, joy, and hope. Humbly, God lowers Himself to us coming in the form of bread, he becomes our very food. This sacrifice of his love to us, the Eucharist, is the innermost central point of my life. Everything else is subordinate to Him. My test is to if II live ultimately for the One whom I receive. Rather than pursuing solely earthly things, I choose to attain virtue. Acquired virtue cannot be diminished by death, therefore it is immensely valuable. I strive to lead by example in my pursuit of virtue and be a witness to the glory of Christ through my actions., I have the opportunity to do this as three people have ask me to guide them to a deeper relationship with Christ by sponsoring them in the Sacrament of Confirmation. My prayer to Christ is that I will not fail at being an example of holiness for those who look up to me. Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, is my greatest help. Inspired by St. Louis de Montfort, I consecrated myself to her two years ago and have not looked back. My soul is entrusted to the Mother of God, as

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