How To Write An Essay On My Sister's Keeper

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My Sister’s Keeper
Jodi Picoult

My Sister’s Keeper is a 2004 novel written by Jodi Picoult. This is a moving novel as it tells the story of a 13-year-old girl named Anna, who sues her parents for medical reasons when she is thought to donate her kidney to her sister Kate of whom is suffering from Leukemia. Anna was born known as the ‘perfect match’ as she was to be the donor to her sister Kate, as they found out in Kate’s earlier life she had Leukemia. Anna has gone on throughout her life donating things such as bone marrow, blood so that Kate would survive. Throughout the novel, Anna comes to realise who she really is and what her life means as she seems she was only born to help her sister survive.

Anna is the main character in the novel, but throughout the novel the point of view changes to different people’s views such as Anna’s mum Sara. Anna is a main standout throughout the novel as she is the character that is most conflicted. She adores her sister and would do anything to keep her alive and healthy but the only problem is she doesn’t want to give up her body parts, she wants to be able to live a simple …show more content…

It is truly amazing to see what people will do to save one’s life. This day present many families are going through the same situation as Anna’s family and are coping in similar ways.
My sister’s keeper has really taught me a lot, made me think about my life in a new and different way. This is my response to it because sometimes we become so comfortable with our lives and never stop to consider others. We let our problems become the focus in our lives when there are people out there faced with cancer and can’t do anything about it. It’s just natural to worry about ourselves first but I feel as though if everybody stopped and were just a little more selfless, we would be a better

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