My Strengths And Weaknesses

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We go through life wondering why we’re good at one thing and not good at another, these are strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses define us as people and allow us to apply our talents out into the world through our interactions with others. By being humble to honestly look at, recognize and acknowledging both strength and weaknesses creates an opportunity to learn, grow and challenge ourselves’ as individuals. Through time, we grow into our personalities and find our own place in the world. As I begin this adventure into the next phase of life, I have been contemplating more and more my qualities of weaknesses and strengths, and how these will impact my college experience and long-term career goals. My weakness is that I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist which can be paralyzing at times. I have learned that I need to overcome some of those fears of imperfection and use them as moments to accept its okay as long as I never quit trying and to not compare myself to others, but rather to ask myself, “Am I a better person today than I was yesterday?” A conscience, deep contemplation of these characteristics about myself, which was a turning point for me, occurred when I was about fifteen years old. I was presented an opportunity to submit an essay to a writing contest to be a participant for the Renewable World Foundation - Isle Royale Adventure. This was a high adventure contest that was open to students within a three-state area of Minnesota,

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