Reflective Essay On Enyuka's Journey

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To think about Enyuka and all the lessons I learned so briefly after it has happened does not feel right. I feel incapable of describing such an experience which I know I have learned and gained from, but much like a photograph, you have to wait a while before you can see the full picture . In my case I believe that with time Enyuka will mean so much more to me as I take time to reminisce and realize how each day on and off the mountain spent with my peers changed me , even in the smallest of ways. I can ,however, still identify what I've learned now and the perspective it has provided me with. Leading up to Enyuka I honestly didn't expect much and found myself trivializing it ... often. I had convinced myself that it was in all actuality just a bunch of people climbing up an exaggerated mound of sand in the attempt to foster some contrived sense of belonging and personal profundity long enough to convince themselves that they aren't meaningless products of chance devoid of meaning. To say I was proven wrong would be an understatement too grand to cram into words from a language with only a few hundred thousand words; and as much as I despise cliche it truly is the people with whom you spend the trip that make the journey so fruitful. Our second day saw us experience a few delays which unfortunately meant we weren't able to …show more content…

A daily life categorised by all the physical hardships, I had paid to endure, without any of the self indulgent introspection that I had smugly embraced as part of my process of actualisation. This glaring contradiction rang at a deafening tone in my head. A certain coarseness had encompassed my memories of the mountain. My interaction was now at risk of being everything I had cynically dismissed Enyuka as initially, yet u still had all the personal growth and wealth of treasured memories that declared otherwise. I was

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