Personal Narrative: When A Parachute Jump

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The time my dad went on a parachute jump and almost pissed his pants. My dad is airborne, that means his job is to jump out of airplanes. On this particular jump he had to get up very early to go the jump so he decided to bring a large thermos of coffee to wake him up a little. When he got to the drop zone he got issued his parachute and got lined up in his group. As he was waiting, the people said it would be delayed and that’s when he finally got that oh so horrible feeling that we all know. He was contemplating for a while if he should stay in the suit or should he take it off and go use the restroom. That’s when he started asking around to make up his mind but everyone was saying they were about to get on any second now...but that second turned into 10 minutes which turned into 30 minutes and by that time he was told it was time to go onto the plane and the bathroom was basically almost out of the question but yet again before they could step foot into the plane there was another aircraft delay. My dad by this time was getting annoyed and was blaming the whole thing on the thermos of coffee. Finally; his group was loaded onto the aircraft first, typically that would mean you’re the last …show more content…

Everyone was taking their time jumping, there was even a reenlistment ceremony for a soldier who decided to reenlist in the air and had a whole ceremony on the back of the plane which meant they had to spend another ten to fifteen minutes waiting for the plane to turn around over the drop zone. “Please just kick him out of the plane, he’s already in the Army!!! By this time my dad was practically in tears trying not to piss himself. After the ceremony was over it was his turn to jump off and this man could barely stand to even hookup with his group. Before they could jump everyone was checking their gear and my dad didn’t even check his gear. “Just let me off the plane already, I need to

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