
National Ideology Source Analysis

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The author’s perspective in this source is of a liberal-democratic nature, the author’s ideology is that the citizens should keep the government in check in order to prevent corruption and keep an honest government. Canadians should embrace the ideology of this source for it will preserve the rights and freedoms of Canadians and create an accountable and honest government through a system of checks and balances. The sources ideology will give power to the citizens and less government control over the economy and that is the main ideology of democracy and liberalism. Lobby groups are a perfect example of a people’s way of making sure that the government reflects their will. The MADD (Mothers against Drunk Driving) lobby group has influenced …show more content…

The government may suspend the activity of some extreme groups if that group imposes threat to the sovereignty of the nation. For example, the Canadian government is invalidating the passports of citizens who are travelling to the Middle East to fight for ISIS. If ISIS gets more manpower to fight for them, the whole free world could be in danger and not just Canada. That’s when it is tolerable to deny some citizens from their rights and freedoms. The Canadian War Measures Act is another example. The War measures act was set in place after Germany had declared war on the British Empire. The October crisis was one of the times the act was brought into force. The act gave the Canadian forces the right to come in to the cities and help the police with their investigation of the FLQ. The act gave the police the power of arresting and holding the suspects with no charge. The act also imposes some economic regulations in order to control strikes and lockouts, keep wartime production going, and keep the country running normally. A responsible and accountable democratic government must dismiss its duty to preserve the rights of the person(s) in order to keep the security and safety of a nation as a whole. That is why these laws and acts are created by the government. The nation should still embrace the perspective of the source as long as the will of the people does not interfere with the security and peace of the nation as a

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