Benefit Of Popular Culture Essay

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It has always been a popular misconception that media and all its channels of distribution have a negative impact on the development of its consumers, that there is a link between people with low intelligence and how much TV they watch or how much time they spend on the Internet or playing video-games. This has usually been the case with popular culture; its benefits have rarely been considered or have been overshadowed by their “damaging” effects. However, in recent years, things have started to change; people are realizing the advantages of popular culture and I will use, in this paper, proper arguments to show that media can actually impact in a positive way the development of the human brain; that it can shape people’s personalities and help the individual discover, …show more content…

They are thought to be the “escape” from the daily routine of the lazy person. “Why not read a book”, people will ask, “instead of playing every day on that computer and melting your brain away?”. It is a popular belief that video-games are nothing more than a waste of time, that they have no benefits. I, for one, disagree with this concept. While this type of entertainment might have negative effects, they are usually correlated with excessive use and an argument could be made that anything in excess is bad for us. Video-games are actually “good” for you, as long as they don’t keep you from doing your work or from having a social life. Speaking from personal experience, I can say that playing games has armed me with important skills that I use day by day. There is a great variety of video-games. As a young child, I loved playing strategy games. They might seem stupid to some: you just amass a few resources, create some buildings, train several troops and go to battle. In reality, however, strategy games are far from being this simple. They usually involve

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