Comparing Two Advertisements Analysis

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It was portrayed as a negative aspect in ones life. The advert tries to show people what happens when they binge drink. The overall outcome is harming your body as well as your self image to others and yourself. Alcohol is portrayed in a foul and distasteful manner which could have a harmful effect on ones life. 2) These adverts contain very strong imaging meaning that people will be effected by the advert and would surely not forget the message trying to be portrayed. Considering the fact that the visuals are so effective I believe these adverts would have a positive impact on a viewers drinking policy. I believe these adverts can give viewers a recognition of what they do to themselves and to their bodies when they binge drink. …show more content…

The advert also makes you realize that alcohol does not make you feel or look better which is why most people drink in the first place. The advert clearly shows you that the effect of alcohol is merely an illusion and that is why this advert is so effective. 4) In both adverts the boy and the girl show there weakness for alcohol due to their insecurities. The only difference between the approach of boys and girls to alcohol in the adverts is that the girl based her drinking on her appearance, everything she did was so she could feel more pretty or more attractive where as the boy still spends time trying to look cool but puts his main focus on doing stupid crazy things that he can brag about to his friends the next day. 5) I believe this advert relates to all teenagers not only the British ones. I believe alcohol brings out a certain part of you that all people have. A crazy and dangerous attitude that gives of a confident expression when you drink. The reason this advert is effective is because teenagers everywhere can relate to it. This relates to me as we'll as alcohol

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