Cell Phone Effects On Society

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Cell phones are considered one of the most important devices for communication in today’s world. Since the invention of the first phone, we have witnessed monumental changes in the functionalities of cellphones. Most of the cell phones of today’s world have a wide array of functions, from calculating mathematical equations to taking photographs , its capabilities are endless. This has led to us being very dependent on our cellphones. Addiction to cellphone is very common in our modern world , as most people find it very difficult to live without a cellphone . While we can say cellphones have made lives easier immensely, the excessive usage of cell phones have varied effects on us . To begin with ,all cell phones emit waves of certain frequencies …show more content…

Addiction to cell phones has resulted in people preferring the virtual world over the real world . Cell phones have made communication easier to a very large extent . The cell phones of today are not only capable of sending and receiving calls , but can be used for texting , video chatting and many more . In addition to it , people of today 's world , especially teenagers , spend all their time interacting with others through social media sites . This has lead to people preferring the virtual method for communicating and thus killing social interaction. All the personal information of an individual can be easily accessed through social networking sites ,and if accessed by the wrong people , can end up being a serious threat to personal security(Skagitchildrens Museum).Addiction to communication has also lead to multi tasking using the cell phones , causing loss in concentration and leading to accidents of various sorts . Texting and driving is the reason for almost 1.3 million car accidents every year and the number is always on an alarming rise . People also text while walking without paying attention to the oath ahead of them and thus give rise to other potential accidents .(ukessays.com) Cellphones have made us dull , lethargic , inefficient and socially inactive .Although the advantages of cell phones are innumerable , the productivity and ease attained precedes the counter productivity. While excessive usage of cellphones can lead to inefficiency , using cell phones the right way and for the right reasons can have a positive impact on our daily lives . Therefore , it is up to the user to use their cell phone in a way that can positively impact their life rather than getting indulged in it for the wrong reasons and losing track of their

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