How Does Technology Make People Lazier

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Nowadays, people are fully dependent on technologies. Even performing simple task like cleaning the room, the technology has replaced ordinary broom with vacuum cleaner. These things have certainly make the people lazier. Do you ever imagine the world with a mind full of creative people living their live without technology? I mean, look around you, you see people rushing to go somewhere with their car. Yes, that is the example of technology making humans lazier. There is even more example like the cellphone that might be with you at this very moment or the laptop you are working on it. The theoretical physicist, Albert Einstein quoted in 1960 on the wonderful New York Times Article: “I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." This truth has exceeded in meaning since way past the time of the genius’s existence. I think people shouldn’t be too dependent on the technology because as day goes on, the creativity is disappearing that may be within you. That is not only the case. Even physically we …show more content…

It really makes people less active physically. Nowadays, people spent their whole day sitting in a one room. It hinders the proper growth and development. It prevents the human from doing outdoor activity. People are deprived from getting excess sunlight and the fresh air from the outside environment. ). In August 2009, Deng Sanshan was reportedly beaten to death in a correctional facility for video game and Web addiction. Think about it. You walking to get a pizza. How wonderful that would be! Walking a bit being hungry and the taste of the pizza after that, nothing is perfect than that. But we are too lazy to do that. Instead, we order online and wait for the pizza to arrive at the door. How lazy that seems? Eating without any exercise. In terms of health also, this is not

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