Millennials In The Future Essay

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Should society let the next generation of kids ruin their future and the future of others?Millennials are defined as anyone who was born between about 1995 to about 2005. These children and teens are getting lazier, sadder, and less focused than ever before. And if nothing changes for millennials the future could revolve around their bad behaviors. Millennials are and will continue to make bad decisions as adults and be unsuccessful. This is happening because of the massive debt college puts them in, The fact they spend to much of their time on social media, and video games. And teens are non-willing to put in hard work and effort to get what they want To continue, college debt is also a big problem for millennials. And according to Sarah …show more content…

Resulting in an unhappy community which is a very bad thing for society and can only be stopped by the lowering of college prices and/or free college. These outrageous costs are changing Millennials minds about college and journalist Maureen Henderson did research on Millennials and found that“Millennials do demonstrate a sobering measure of hindsight, though. 57% report that they now regret how much they borrowed and, more sadly, over a third say they wouldn’t even have gone to college if they had realized in advance the true price tag of their education.”........ “ 43% of borrowers who hold federal student loans are either behind on their payments or simply not making them at all.”Students are being given a lot of money at a very young age that they are

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