Minimum Wage Hong Kong Essay

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Topic: Use The Case of Minimum Wage to Discuss the Positive and Negative Functions of the Social Policy in Hong Kong Society Social Policy According to R. Titmuss, the objective of social policy is to create social integration and discourage alienation. Also, it is to build the identity of a person around some community with which he is associated.Social integration is the process of building up social cohesion and identity among social groups and individuals in society. It is to provide equal access and opportunity to all people in society and not to socially exclude the minority. Meanwhile, social integration is the key to social stability by meeting peoples’ needs through provisions of welfare services and other social sub-systems. There are at least three different ways of understanding the concept of social integration. For some, it is an inclusionary goal, implying equal opportunities and rights for all human beings. In the case of minimum wage, becoming more integrated implies improving life chances. While alienation means to threaten or destroy the system of unilateral transfer. In short, social policy …show more content…

It is an independent statutory body and is established under Part 3 of the Minimum Wage Ordinance. The Ordinance mainly composed of 3 parts. First, a person, who is not a public officer, appointed as the chairperson. Second, not more than nine other members who are not public officers of who not more than three must be persons who, in the opinion of the Chief Executive, have knowledge of, or experience in, matters relating to the labor sector; not more than three must be persons who, in the opinion of the Chief Executive, have knowledge of, or experience in, matters relating to the business sector and not more than three must be persons who, in the opinion of the Chief Executive, have knowledge of, or experience in, a relevant academic field. Third, not more than three other members who are public

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