The Porn Industry: The Cause Of Pornography

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Porn is part of your son’s everyday life. He sees it every day on television, in movies, and on computers. The pornography industry is working hard to catch your son’s attention and addict him early in life to their product. The porn industry is a $57-billion-a-year rapidly growing industry. They generate more money than CBS, NBC, and ABC combined, and more than the revenues from professional football, basketball, and baseball combined.

The porn industry spends an incredible amount of money and guile trying to get young people hooked on their product. Because they know that even a glimpse of pornography causes a biological reaction (releases endorphins and adrenaline which causes a “rush”) within the body, they go to great lengths to ensure …show more content…

Because they know that even a glimpse of pornography causes a biological reaction (releases endorphins and adrenaline which causes a “rush”) within the body, they go to great lengths to ensure that children “accidently” catch a glimpse. And once that “rush” happens, it imprints upon the brain a desire for more. For instance, if a child wants to learn about nearly any topic, he can enter it in a website browser and find information. However, if they misspell even just one letter of the word, it can take them to a site that they never intended. Porn distributors do this with nearly all words associated with children and popular topics. If you don’t believe it, just test it out on your computer. Because of those efforts, the largest consumer group of pornography is reported to be young men between the ages of twelve and seventeen.
Pornographers consider everyone to fall into one of three categories: targeted, baited, or trapped. They target everyone, even people who aren’t looking—especially young people. They bait people by using the strategy described above, in hopes that once those images have been viewed, either curiosity or a desire for that “high” will lead them again to their site. Since porn is highly addictive, once someone becomes addicted they are trapped in a never-ending …show more content…

When we misframe the important question as whether it is "okay" for individuals to find violence sexually exciting, we will inevitably reach a dead-end. An individual’s sexualisation of any act or preferences is philosophically valueless. Or rather, no one is here to judge that impulse.

The questions we should be asking are whether viewers of violent pornography escalate to more and more violent pornography (in effect, whether they need more violence to achieve similar arousal) and whether the increasing availability of violent pornography attracts viewers who were not initially attracted to violent pornography. But most importantly, does pornography that sexualizes aggression translate to real-life aggression? Does it translate to viewpoints on gender roles that diminish men or women?

A reasonable person would probably allow for the possibility that repeated exposure to violent imagery of any sort could translate to real world aggression, though confounding factors abound. In mainstream movies, we’re comfortably removed from reality, therefore we can relish all manner of scenarios that would normally horrify. We can be entertained by the idea of someone being shot in the head or slapped in the face while understanding that it’s

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