Negative Essay: How Technology Has Changed The World

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Humans are now living in an era that’s nothing like the world has ever seen before, the Information era. According to Market Information and Statistics Division, in 2009, an estimated 26 per cent of the world’s population were using the Internet. In developed countries the percentage remains much higher than in the developing world where four out of five people are still excluded from the benefits of being online. We are constantly being introduced to new additions and forms of technology. Many of these items which we are introduced to are made to “make our life easier.” For example computers are made to compress many technological pieces together that we can use to complete many different tasks. As these items help us with our everyday life, we become accustomed to them and they become necessary to have on us at all times. Although technology has changed our lives drastically, we should be aware of …show more content…

They illustrate by older book on the 90th centuries and lay out a great movie to experience a greater variety of creative works than pretty much anyone before the 20th century ever could. The effect, the production of all these things has increased massively. Anyone with a smartphone and a computer can make a movie, if they’re willing to take the time and effort. It no longer costs tens of thousands of dollars simply for the equipment and film to do so. Besides that, technology also affect on human’s creativity by making their life easier. Do you know how rare books were, in the days that they had to be hand-copied? Printing presses are technology too. Technology made it affordable for the average person to own a library. This can improve our knowledge by reading all those book because nowadays books are easily get compared to before. In my own lifetime, it became possible for the average person to own a library of movies and TV

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