Disadvantages Of Neoliberalism

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Muhamad Amir Septian 2001578241 LD66 Introduction to Trade and Business Final Exam Essay Neoliberalism and Laborers in Indonesia Talking neoliberalism, the impact, advantages and weakness of neoliberalism are filled with pro and contra. Some people will support and some others will against it. Before we continue the discussion, author will describe the readers about the neoliberalism. According to David Harvey in his book, 'A Brief History of Neoliberalism' said that the neoliberalism is a thought that emphasizes guarantees to freedom and freedom of the individual through the free markets, free trade, and respect for private property ownership. It is a combination of liberalism, a thought that emphasizes freedom and individual freedom, …show more content…

First, bassed on the neoliberalism theory that says freer the market, freer the trade and the private property ownership are respectfully, which is making it the entrance of foreign capital to the Indonesia economy. Not also that, the neoliberalism thought also says that the government role are limited and the government role is only just making regulations. Then, after the crisis and IMF come with their loans, the foreign capital are flowing profusely to Indonesia. Many western brands are invest their capital and create their own factory in Indonesia. Initially it might have a good impact for Indonesia because it provides jobs for the people. But in the implementation of their producing activity, they are tend to have many adverse impacts for the Indonesian nation such as the cheaper labor wage, working hours exploitation and the bad sewage treatment plant that pollutes the …show more content…

13 Tahun 2003 which is this revision are very harmful for the laborer, there are pasal are revised and author can not be mention all of them but there is a harmful revised for the laborer. Example in pasal 35 ayat 3 is ”Pemberi kerja sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat 1 dalam mempekerjakan tenaga kerja wajib memberikan perlindungan yang mencakup kesejahteraan, keselamatan, dan kesehatan baik mental maupun fisik tenaga kerja”. But after the revised, this pasal is deleted, so the healthy and the safety of the laborer in their working place or factory are not responsibility of the company. Really ironic, with inadequate salaries, excessive working hours and worker safety and comfort in the workplace are not addressed. Based on our discussion above, the practice of neoliberalism in Indonesia is very harming the laborer, the implementation of neoliberalism also causes the corrupt practices, especially bribery to government officials conducted by the owners of capital to make the regulation with the aim of rich himself(the entrepreneurs and the capital owners), and this is the social-political crises or disadvantages that neoliberalism gave to

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