Nicole Eisenman's Art Analysis

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I was pleasantly surprised when I first encountered Emily’s work which is mainly due to her charming and low-key personality. At that moment a question popped in my head. How can such deranged and sexual imagery come from someone seemingly so sweet? To see work that delicately delineated such charged interactions with figures that seem emotionally mute towards the chaos signaled thoughtful quirkiness. A thoughtfulness that submitted to the urge to present explicit actions but does not to get catch up in the inherit shock value but is committed to a larger aim of merging historical and contemporary atrocities with bold draftsmanship. We ended up working in close proximity, having regular discussions about our creative enterprises and sharing a studio. Throughout these interactions it became clear that researching topics including color, art history, and literature was a significant component of her artwork. As a studious artist I saw her pay close attention to the history to current practices of art from woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer to the color palette and depiction of figures in Nicole Eisenman’s work. Wisely, Emily applied insights she gained to resolve formal concerns and …show more content…

I actually met her during our month long stint as residents at the Vermont Studio Center (VSC). During her time she maintain a constructive balance of social interactions and focused studio time. She was very diligent in her studio as a result of executed a daily routine and goals within her work. Emily was also an insightful peer to have around; we conducted studio visits with each other and talked over meals in which we had informative conversations about our work and art in general. Ms. Campbell also utilized her time to collaborate with studio mates on a painting. Ever since our first encounter she has been an inspiration artistically and personally. She will be a warm and hard-working resident in your