Angela Merkel Character Analysis

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Nike is one of the most well-known companies for deportive clothes and accessories, however, not many people know that the name of this popular brand comes from the Greek goddess of victory. Maybe because of their supernatural roots, people do not take them seriously. But as seen before, it actually influences great part of our society. Not only that, its fantastic stories also help us understand more about the modern world. Curiously, from the terrible monsters to human like gods and goddesses, many of the personalities of these fantastic characters can be found in our present time. Female leader, Angela Merkel, is an example of how these unreal characters are not so unreal. Merkel resembles to the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athena. …show more content…

Her father is Zeus and she, being her favorite, has a great power. Athena is also recognized because of her “peacefulness”. Despite being the goddess of war she is not a violent or a bloodthirsty god.Even so, when necessary, Athena has the wisdom to win in the battlefield, reason why she was respected and searched for advice in conflictive times. Furthermore, she was also recognized for being the protector of famous and influential heroes like Hercules or Odysseus. As described by the Encyclopædia Britannica, “She was widely worshipped, but in modern times she is associated primarily with Athens, to which she gave her name.” On the other hand, Angela Merkel may not be a goddess, but some of her qualities and the decisions she has taken that changed the world makes her similar to a character like …show more content…

When it comes to wisdom and righteousness, there is no better example than Athena. Nevertheless, in our times we can also find people like Angela Merkel. She is one of the most important women of this century, for this reason, it is no surprise that she resembles to such an important and influential characters in Greek mythology . Both of these women have been very relevant in their own tasks, having the good qualities needed for it. Angela Merkel may not be able to make supernatural events happen, but she has her own ways to “leave her

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