Non International Armed Conflict Essay

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Non-international armed conflict. According to common art 3 of Geneva Convention are armed conflict that are non- international in nature occurring in one of the high contracting parties. This means that one of the parties involved is non-governmental in nature for example an armed group of rabbles in Uganda are fighting against the government of Uganda however common art 3 also states that it does not apply to other forms of violence such as riots, isolated and other sporadic acts of violence
International armed conflict. According to Geneva convention of 149 common art 2 states that all cases of declared war or of any armed conflict that may arise between two or more high contracting parties even if the state of war is not recognised the …show more content…

Such persons are considered as combatants
Customary international law on non- international armed conflict
The definition that any person who is not a member of armed forces is a civilian and that the civilian comprises of all persons who are civilian was included in the draft of additional protocal 2. The military manual of Columbia defines the term civilian as those who do not directly participate in military hostilities in either internal or external Conclusion
Armed conflict in this context means that parties to hostilities have to actively up arms to fight against each other. The law require the political will of the parties for the situation to be considered as an armed conflict, so as to call for practicability of the law such as the Geneva Convention and the additional protocols and other relevant laws including international customary

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