Norwegian And Russian Culture Essay

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Russian and Norwegian national cultures: differences and similarities
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During team project we managed to identify key cultural differences and similarities between Russians and Norwegians. The study was conducted on the basis of G. Hofstede methodology among respondents aged 18-25, mainly students. According to our results, Russians and Norwegians are very close in their high level of monumentalism and predominantly short-term orientation, cultures are also close enough in high level of individualism and are quite free to express their feelings and emotions (high level of Indulgence index).
At the same time Russian and Norwegian cultures differ significantly in level of power distance (high for Russians and low for Norwegians). Russians also express a more masculine type of culture, they are focused on success, achievement of results and career advancement, while Norwegians value quality of life …show more content…

Context richness.
2. Power distance.
3. Individualism.
4. Uncertainty avoidance.
5. Performance orientation.
This framework can be used to determine the difference of cultures, and the associated difference in the usual forms of communication. The more points on which the cultures under consideration differ and the greater their differences in each of the points, the more their communication systems will be distinguished.
Four out of five characteristics above (Power distance, Individualism and Uncertainty avoidance) can be described by the Hofstede approach. As I have already mentioned Russians and Norwegians vary very much in their level of tolerance to uncertainty and level of power distance, while the cultures in question have a close meaning of the level of individualism. Performance orientation is very close to masculinity-feminity orientation, where two cultures also have the big

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