Nursing Care Definition

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In simple terms, caring is an art and a scientific practice. However, the operational definition of the term “CARING” in OAUTHC, Department of Nursing Services is quoted as thus; “Caring is a health promoting activity delivered to consenting individuals or service consumers during the course of legal duty by competent professional nurse(s) capable of utilizing standardized tools in solving identified client-centered problems towards the actualization of a mutually acceptable outcome of care within the limitations of available resources in a conducive health care facility or service unit”. [© 2010 OAUTHC Department of Nursing Services, Ile-Ife.]


Caring for humanity through effective management …show more content…

siblings, relatives, associates, community residents, etc.)
2.RESTORATIONhelping clients attain their pre-morbid state according to the scientific concept of health-illness continuum.
3.REHABILITATIONrapid social reintegration of our clients, enhancing their positive coping mechanisms to actualize and maintain optimal activities of daily living and functional productivity for sustenance of their wellbeing.
4.RENEWALstaying healthy through self-care, preventive habits and healthy behaviors through health education as an integral component of nursing care.
5.REWARDINGmeeting client’s expectations of satisfaction and outcome of care within the limitations of available resources. [© 2010 OAUTHC, Department of Nursing Services, Ile-Ife.]

NURSING CARE APPROACH-- Domains of Nursing …show more content…

Meeting the Daily Care Needs of our Clients according to the Abraham Maslow’s Concept of Human Needs requires that Professional Nurses carry out specialized PROCEDURES. The outcome of care is therefore determined by the level of expertise and skillfulness of the PROFESSIONAL, when provided with adequate required resources to carry out specified tasks within a positive practice environment.

Hence, the Psychomotor domain is emphasized by the Department of Nursing Care by adopting the NURSING CARE PLAN as the professional TOOL used in planning while physically delivering care, after utilizing the NURSING PROCESS in taking client history and critical assessment towards making diagnosis of the ACTUAL and POTENTIAL NEEDS of the CLIENT accurately expressed in compliance to the NANDA International Nursing Diagnosis Template.

This is the documented part of nursing care and requires professional expertise, skill and experience which are acquired only in practice by consistently using the COGNITIVE and AFFECTIVE domains to establish a Positive Nurse-Client Relationship as a prerequisite for facilitating client’s consent to care, co-operation and collective responsibility to actualize the PREMIUM STANDARDS of NURSING CARE according to our QUALITY ASSURANCE

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