EDRM Model

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This assignment outlines EDRM (electronic discovery reference model) projects for five different case studies by following the guidelines from chapter 23 of O’Hanley & James’s (2014) book - “Information Security Management Handbook.”

Assignment #4: Applied Infotech Security Investigative Concepts

Case Study 1: Ocean Container Theft, Port of Newark, NJ
Scenario: This case, which occurred in late May, involves the investigation of a missing $800,000 container (full-container load) from a trucking company’s holding yard near the Newark port in New Jersey, after a shipping company’s ocean carrier docked and transferred its customer (a fashion company)’s products destined for the Texas distribution center (as described in Arway, …show more content…

Case Study 4: Parcel Network Operation Pilferage
Scenario: The ASD Network Logistics Corporation discovered theft in its Parcel distribution system when it discovered non-deliveries, incorrect deliveries as well as mismatches is counts of parcels entered for delivery compared to those that were delivered (as described in Arway, 2013).
EDRM project scope: The given security breach is reviewed along with possible technology solutions and processes to prevent recurrence, based on the key steps of the EDRM framework as outlined in O'Hanley and Tiller’s (2014) “Information Security Management Handbook”.
Identification: Several concerning issues are discovered, namely the gaylords (open-top boxes, that were used in the subregion transportation) were not pilfer proof and similarly the next stage was not pilfer proof (wherein the parcels were subsorted for final delivery and placed in plastic bins for truck delivery); finally the peripheral security systems were weak (Arway, 2013; O'Hanley and Tiller, …show more content…

Processing: The relevant case data is digitized ensuring rapid processing, accountability, compliance, auditing and governance apart from easy clean up using standard deduplication and data culling (Arway, 2013; O'Hanley and Tiller, 2014).
Review: A review by supply chain security and operations, a management review and a legal review provide the essential feedback and improvements – improved processes for gaylords handling i.e. sealing with tamper-evident tapes (TET), examination of gaylord TET tape at subregion transfer locations, use of TET tape wrappers for plastic bins and verification of tape before delivery. (Arway, 2013; O'Hanley and Tiller, 2014). The initial suggestions of end to end tracking of each parcel was rejected due to cost (ROI) considerations, however peripheral security system improvement requirements were accepted and the action plans were documented (Arway, 2013; O'Hanley and Tiller,