The Harmful Effects Of Online Dating

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In this age, Internet has become a large connection for people communicate with each other to get in love or to be loved through various ways. Online dating is becoming so common that is having a noticeable effect on our culture. The internet is where the place where people can meet and communicate with each other without meeting each other. Internet connection has been created in a way where people can date online with strangers. Although, the internet can be helpful but it can also be dangerous too when it comes to online dating. This problem especially happened on teenagers because at this age, they have some sort of feeling for loving somebody so they tend to visit those online dating sites. The reason why teenagers still use these sites is because of the false advertisements that are portrayed. Through those websites, anyone can simply create their false profile that can makes other people believe that they are real but then lead to some others cause and effect such as criminals, sexual harassment and also become a scam victims. …show more content…

For example if we visit some suspicious websites there will be a pop up showing an advertisements of online dating such as , , and many more. Unfortunately these sites are full of people who have created a false profile for themselves neither he nor she because of their particular reason. These are examples of negatives side on online dating websites because it is easy to create a fake profile and manipulated other people into thinking that the fake people are real. Fake people can be very dangerous because they can be rapist, sex offender, criminal and molester and they are try to portraying themselves as innocent regular

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