Quality Education

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Analysis and Discussion
From the thorough analysis of the collected data, following findings have been drawn under five different themes.
Factors Influencing Parents' Decision
From the analysis of the data, it is found that parents consider the following mentioned factors while selecting the schools of their children
Quality of Education
The concept of quality education in recent educational theory and practice has been frequently used by its stakeholders. The term is abstract in nature and rather complex which makes it difficult to define its quality. Moreover, while defining the quality of education, problem arises when we choose the aspect of education that will be the focus of attention. Kellaghen and Greaney (2001) states “education has …show more content…

One of the respondents of my research, Amar assumes that quality education is that essential strength of education which helps an individual learner to adjust even in an exceptional environment. Similarly, Sita also agrees with the idea of Amar as she says “quality education is more competitive”. It encourages the learners to sit for the competition and prove themselves as the best. OECD (2012) has combined the quality with equity which means that if social and personal circumstance such as ethnic origin, family background or gender, are able to access the educational fairness, the quality of education will increase higher and …show more content…

The students learned with certified teachers, paying almost no fees. However, private schools have greater demand at present. Bernal (2005), says the idea that 'private education is always better than public education' has become a common idea which is linked to discipline, level of attainment and individual attention. Private schools, as co-partners of public schools have become backbone of the nation for the social, economical, cultural and political transformation. In Nepal, with increased political and economic liberalization, apparent from the mid 1980s and with the restoration of multiparty democracy in 1990, space for the expansion of the education market emerged. Since then, these schools are playing an increasingly important role in the Nepalese educational landscape. Since the dream of educational opportunity, and the employment and development opportunities associated with this, was bought into by an increasingly broad spectrum of the

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