What Is Loos Rejection Of Ornament

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People has been enslaved to ornamentation where they no longer found happiness associated with it 's application. They needed to be free from the constraints of lavish ornament and live in peace. The state recognized these thoughts but referred to the point “but if the ornament is beautiful” to which Loos ' harshly objects to. He is stern in his belief that ornament does in no way improve his own life and any others for that matter. He writes how all modern people will agree with his view that there should only be ornament if it 's utterly necessary. He is entirely against the method of trying to make something more desirable through excess decoration. He strives for minimalism and rejects ornament. 4 Loos mentions how aesthetic motivation gave way for much detriment to modern life. It is a misspend of human skill, materials and funds. The people who find the need for ornament are holding the modern world back. It is resulting in hardship for humankind, on their health and economic state. This gives an understandable reason behin the rejection of ornament. Another reason of this rejection would be the fact that it takes up a far longer time when applying to a product than a modern design with no ornament. “omission of ornament results in the reduction in the manufacturing time and an increase in wages” Loos ' pays attention to how ornament does not have a link with mankind in the modern world. It is mass produced. Modern …show more content…

In the past decoration as an art form was not very common and hadn 't made any development. However in modern times it has become a cultural aspect. It could be seen as a necessity for certain areas of society to not have an void in ones life. There is a need to be at the same level with regard to filling our environments. A need for comfortable living and to create peace of mind. This is a result of standardisation and what is deemed proper in modern living. Le Corbusier considered this to be an architectural process influence. In 1925 architecture became part of the machine age movement. Architecture was a way to house that comfortable surrounding that was hugely desired. …show more content…

To be an individual unit. It 's effect will vanish and this is the why ripolin white wash disappeared after the nineteenth century. It had been seen everyone before the twentieth century is traditional and classic cities. However as each city developed it 's own culture and ornamentation, it was abdanoned. It was said that ripolin was “brutally driven out by industry, which brought complete confusion to their calm souls” 11 White wash has been linked to mankind from the beginning. They used to burn stones, add water and create a pure white colour to their walls. “The white of whitewash is absolue, everything stands out from it and is recorded absolutely, black on white; it is hones and dependable” It represents truth. Anything that interferes with the pureness of the whitewash is highlighted. 12 Ripolin white has a moral level to it. It is purity is it 's simplist form. It is used for both the poor and the rich, giving luxury to any space. Modernist values are hugely evident in the law of ripolin. Anything in front of the white wash should be an object of truth. It should be purely functional and necessary.