Bond Failure Rate Essay

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24 month bond failure rate of orthodontic brackets bonded with two adhesive systems: A comparative clinical study.
Objective: This study was designed to compare the clinical bond failure of orthodontic brackets bonded with green glue: two way color changes adhesive and trains bond adhesive paste.
Eighteen male patients with a mean age of 16 years were included in this study. 360 brackets were bonded by one operator using a split-mouth design and both adhesives were used in each patient. Bracket failure rates were estimated with respect to bonding procedure, dental arch, type of tooth (incisor, canine, and premolar).

The results were evaluated using the chi-square test.
The survival rate of the brackets was estimated by Kaplan – Meier analysis …show more content…

This result is not similar to previously done studies. The results of all the studies were not similar. Some studies found bond failure rate less than our study like Murfitt et al10., Cal- Neto and Miguel9 observed 3.9 and 2.54%, whereas Ireland etal23., Asgari et al8. and DOS Santos et al22 observed higher bond failure rate i.e.4.95 %, 4.60 and 10.6% respectively.
In these clinical studies8-10,22-23, differences in failure rates and contradictory results are noteworthy. Thus, direct comparison between studies testing identical materials should be interpreted with caution, as there is no standardized protocol for clinical studies. 24 In in vivo studies, socioeconomic and dental status of patients, and malocclusion classification and resultant mechanotherapy may affect the outcomes. Furthermore, masticatory forces varying with facial type, culturally influenced dietary habits, and sex differences may also influence the results. 4
The bond failure rate of green gloo found 5.00 % at the end of 24 months. These findings demonstrate a nonsignificant difference in bond failure rate between the groups as shown by log- rank test square test (p˂0. 05).(table 1 figure

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