Oscar Wilde's The Nightingale And The Rose

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Oscar Wilde lived in Victorian era of the 19th Century while the industrial revolution was going on in the Britain. The society has undergone unprecedented change at that time. Most people were greedy and mercenary. At the same time, the capitalist system was established in Western Europe, The capitalist system plays a big role in human mind, People 's world view and values view have changed a lot .The responsible Oscar Wilde is extremely dissatisfied with the hypocritical and despicable society, saying the happiest human feeling—love was also controlled by money and hypocrisy. In order to expose the naked money relations and the ugliness among people in Britain resulting by capitalist system, he wrote the fairy tale the Nightingale and the Rose in that context. He also wanted to against the ugly society by the beauty of art. Wilde 's fairy tale is known as "the world 's most beautiful fairy tale". In every book of his works, there is almost a "beloved" and "beautiful" image. It is said that even if when Wilde read the story of his, he was always moved to tears trickling down his cheeks. 1.2 The contents of research Compared with the fairy tale writer, Wilde is actually more like a painter, but most people think he is the former. He created all kinds of vivid image and depicted gorgeous color in this article of the Nightingale and the Rose which mainly focuses on the aesthetic image and unique color to narrate the article, and the beauty of image and the beauty of color

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