Outcome Dimension 2: Natural Environment And Resources

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Outcome Dimension 2: Natural Environment and Resources
To protect and conserve ecosystems and natural resources
The natural environment provides many social and economic benefits and is an essential component of urban sustainability. The environment provides food, water, and other essential commodities. Healthy ecosystems regulate the climate and attenuate the effects of extreme weather events, while improving residents’ quality of life and well-being.

However, urbanization and overconsumption of resources are placing great pressure on natural environments. Expansion of urban areas results in loss of natural habitats and decimation of biodiversity. Further environmental degradation can occur if city sanitation, waste disposal, and environmental …show more content…

2.3 Water Resources Management
Sub-goal To manage water resources in a coordinated manner, while not negatively impacting the quality and sustainability of surface water and groundwater bodies within and beyond the city boundaries
Rationale A reliable, safe water supply is fundamental to a city’s viability, yet often the reservoirs and aquifers on which the city relies are located far beyond its geographic and administrative boundaries. It is essential for cities to implement a catchment-wide approach to planning and managing water resources, whereby cities collaborate with all relevant stakeholders within the catchment area to manage demands, establish safe yields, and maintain quality.
Key question(s) Are city water supplies able to meet demand to provide safe water for all into the long term? What are the actions taken to improve water supply systems and to change water consumption patterns?
Indicators • Level of water stress: annual freshwater withdrawals, percentage of internal resources (SDGs, WDI, EBRD );
• Annual freshwater withdrawals, percentage by sector (agriculture, industry, domestic)

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