Essay On Haze

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There were guidelines and advisories issued to their respective sectors by the Inter-Agency Haze Task Force (HTF) to mitigate the effects of haze on the public [1]. The Ministry of Education (MOE) has given out procedures on limiting outdoor physical activities in schools such as Physical Education (PE). Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) requires childcare centres and kindergartens to call off all outdoor activities for the children too. This way, operators could monitor the health of the children closely. Parents are advised to inform the operators if their child is sick and medical attention will be provided immediately for them. Based on the PSI readings, the Ministry of Defence has prepared a set of guidelines to limit outdoor activities and training. By modifying the nature and potency of outdoor activities, this ensures that the SAF troops can train safely. The Ministry of Home Affairs practices appropriate precautionary measures for the well-being of the Home Team officers and National Servicemen who are deployed for active duties. This ensures that the overall safety and security functions are not compromised. Haze particles contained fine particles that are 2.5 …show more content…

With reference to Annex A, the health impact of haze is dependent on one’s health status (e.g. whether one has pre-existing chronic heart or lung disease), the PSI level, and the intensity of outdoor activity and its duration. Reducing outdoor activities and physical exertion can help limit the ill effects from haze exposure. Persons who are not feeling well, especially the elderly and children, and those with chronic heart or lung conditions, should seek medical attention. To encourage public to remain updated on the haze conditions, National Environment Agency (NEA) releases 3-hr PSI readings via its myEnv mobile app and NEAsg Twitter account in addition to its website besides the 24-hr PSI

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