
Outlook At Chapter 14 In Bad Blood Tuskegee

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Many social and political changes have taken place in the American society in the past few decades that make it unlikely for a study such as the Tuskegee study to not be widely criticized. The major social change that has taken place is a result of social media. Social media plays a major role because it is a way to quickly spread information around the world. Social media allows people around the world to share their experiences and opinions about all types of issues, thus allowing them to educate others about different situation that are occurring. Political changes that have occurred include new rules that guarantee what happened in the Tuskegee study does not happen again. There are now laws that require every study to be examined and approved by committees before any experiment involve humans is …show more content…

Relook at Chapter 14 in Bad Blood. How has the knowledge of Tuskegee affected the African American community at large? What other aspects of health and disease in the African American community might be affected because of this type of medical mistreatment? What could be done to calm these fears? This chapter reviews the long-term effect the experiment had on the African American population. Specifically, it discusses the effects the experiment has on the relationships between black and the American population and health care professionals. After the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, the African American population became very critical of health care professionals, therefore, they ignored the warnings given about the prevention and epidemic of AIDS. If it was not for the experiment that rightfully made black individuals not trust health care professional the rate of AIDS would have been lower, and less people would have been infected. Overall, the chapter goes to show that it is important for health care professional to be honest and transparent with patients and the population, so that a strong relationship can be formed so that there can be advances in health

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