Paranormal Elements In The Lalurie Horror

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Analysis of Paranormal Elements in The Lalurie Horror by Jenifer Reeser * Research Objective: The legend of 'Madame Lalaurie ' has haunted the streets of New Orleans for about 200 years now. Madame Delphine Lalaurie was the elitist and the most influential personality of the french-creon society in 1830 's. When fire destroyed part of her home in 1834 the public was outraged and disgusted to learn that behind closed doors Lalaurie practiced forbidden arts and butchery. Madame Lalaurie escaped from there and was never seen in that area. Some said they ran away to France and others claimed they lived in the forest along the north shore of Lake Ponchatrain. Other rumors claimed that they vanished into a small town near New Orleans, where their friends and relatives sheltered them. No official evidence has been found as to where the family went and …show more content…

A layman like you and me may not immediately connect with Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition, or intuition which at the end of the day are synonymous to the Sixth Sense but the word Ghosts is the most relatable, heard and debated topic reaching almost a majority of people in the world. My next question to you will be Do you beleive in ghost? And if you do, Did you ever wonder that what makes them ghosts and What is the reason of their manifestation?. When we addresss Paranormal phenomena and in that when we talk of ghosts, the biggest thing that comes to our mind is, a ghosts is just a spirit of a deceased person that seems to have lost its way or is clinging onto something materialistic depending upon his temprament that acts as a hindrance in the passage of him moving onto the next life, reincarnation or salvation as per the Karma