Parent Involvement In Education

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Parent involvement in classroom is one of the major educational issues nowadays as the concern about maintaining academic standards and monitoring the quality of education is increasing. The educational system tries to provide children with the parental support vital to achieve success including adopting legislations such as Parent Involvement Laws, organizing events to enlighten and encourage parents to cooperate with schools and kindergartens. Still the outcome of the collaboration is highly debated, it is not clear whether parental involvement is a valuable source to increase student achievement or a threat to the authority of schools and a burden for teachers. So the purpose of this paper is to analyze the positive and negative effects …show more content…

Home learning activities are of utmost important to encourage curiosity and willingness to learn, to prepare a child for school life and to reduce the fear of failure in educational process. Even organized in the easiest forms such as playing with numbers and letters or singing songs learning will have a positive effect on the cognitive development and will ease the entry to school. Apparently, the more responsible and motivated parents are to bring up and educate their children from early childhood, the more beneficial the outcome is in future. The most effective forms of parent participation are those which include direct interaction, for example, reading with children, attending the library together, organizing development games. So children who are used to studying, understand that this is not a punishment but a necessary and interesting process and have strong positive motivation to learn new material and have better academic results. Also, parents paying attention to their adolescent educational successes are more likely to indicate signs of health problems such as development retardation in speech or language which should be treated before school period. Then cooperation of children and parents while doing homework is indispensable because adolescent feel more confident when …show more content…

According to the current research “46 percent of parents of school-age children say they wish they can be doing more when it comes to their own involvement” (Horowitz 57). There are many strategies to increase parental involvement in education and improve school-to-home interaction both at the governmental level and in every particular school. First of all, parental involvement should start at home so it is indispensable to establish proper environment for children to develop and gain support from the families. Family literacy is a burning problem especially for black or Hispanic parents so they should be trained on special courses such as General Education Tests. Then learning at home presupposes help with homework and to make this process more effective educational institutions should provide information on the requirements for students and homework policies. When an adult understands how to monitor schoolwork and connect it with home tasks or takes part in setting educational goals the outcome of cooperation will meet the demands. What is more, activity packs periodically send to parents so that they can fulfill engaging, short tasks together with their kids can increase parental interest and make family communication better. Open house or game nights being a dynamic type of

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