Patient Administration Case Study

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D-The patient was placed on HOLD to address this writer 's recent conversation with DCF. Reported stability on her current dose and deny the need for a dose increase. Please note, the patient appeared upset and began to cry during the case management session. The patient requested to revoked her ROI for DCF because she reported that the DCF worker is using the patient 's UDS result as she relapse in the month of July. The patient reports that her family is upset with her for the relapse and in the event that her grandson is removed from the residence, the child will reside with her sister. Then the patient reported that she plans to leave HCRC and go to the Hartford Dispensary. When questioned why the sudden request, the patient only response was, " I need to get out of told her that I relapse, I did not want her to know that." This writer informed the patient that this writer had requested for the patient to meet with this writer to call the DCF worker, at which the patient agreed to this writer comment and reported that she did in fact arrived but this writer was running group and could not wait. This writer also reports that the patient gave her consent for this writer to speak with the DCF worker via phone. This writer advised the patient as to what was shared based on the ROI and nothing more. It became apparent that the patient is upset that DCF is only focusing on July UDS result, not afterwards as the patient has been negative in the month of August, September, October, and November thus far. …show more content…

When this was relayed to the patient, she started to cry again. This writer provided positive feedback based on her recent UDS result. Furthermore, this writer agreed to help the patient with her transfer as requested. Patient signed an ROI for the Hartford

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