Activity Responsible Patient Assignment

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15th June– 4th July

13th July- 1st August 1 Continue with patient assignment.
Conference with Sister In Charge and follow up clarification if necessary.
Provision of additional information if necessary.

Assignment of procedure to nurses and having return demonstration.

Lecture on:
Professional etiquettes: (1 hour each)
1. Grooming.
2. Telephone etiquettes
3. Social skills
4. Soft skills
5. Self- confidence building
CPR training
IT Training

Nurse manager, supervisor, sister


IT department 8 am to 1 pm ward duty as per rotation

2pm to 4pm-class room lectures

3rd& 4th Week orientation
(Batch I: 22nd June- 4th July. Batch II: 20th July- 1st August):
Nursing …show more content…

Batch II: 3rdAugust- 15th August):
Day Sr. Activity Responsible Person Time
Batch I:
6th July

Batch II:
3rd August 1.


3. Staff nurse posted in the respective are; not given specific patient assignment.
Orienteer is expected to observe location of equipment and observe the function of nurse.
Orientation by Sister In charge in the following area:
i. Introduction to various personnel in ward, supervisor, and staff- nurses, housekeeping personnel’s, etc. ii. Explain the physical layout of the floor and location of equipment. iii. Routine of patient which includes day time for waking, checking of vital signs, serving of meals, providing rest hrs., visiting hrs., Doctors visit, medication administration routine and special lab investigation, etc. iv. Method of obtaining daily assignment, team nursing functional and special assignment, shifts duties. supervisor, Sister in charge 7am to 3pm ward duty
Batch I:
7th July

Batch II:
4th August 1. Conference with Sister In charge and provision of additional information:
i. Various documents and records maintained in the area. ii. Medical record. iii. Doctor call system, medical team call system. iv. Inventory checking
v. Admission and discharge procedures.
Batch …show more content…

They were oriented to the physical layout of the hospital. They were introduced to the Ward In charges of every
1. The nurse was oriented to various ward routines, polices and protocol.
2. To assess that the nurse is able to demonstrate the use of various equipment’s and instruments available in the area.
3. To assess that the nurse is able to demonstrate accurate documentation and maintenance of patient records in the area.
4. To assess that the nurse is able to maintain appropriate ward inventory
5. To assess that the nurse is able to perform various procedures independently in the area.
6. To assess that the nurse is able to provide effective nursing care in the area.
Specialty area orientation:

Day Sr. Activity Responsible Person Time
Batch I-29th June.

Batch II-27th July. 1.


3. Staff nurse posted in the respective are; not given specific patient assignment.
Orienteer is expected to observe location of equipment and observe the function of

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