Pedagogical Principle Of Andragogy Analysis

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According to Susan Wallace (2007) Pedagogical principle is the believe of how people learn, how to teach, method of teaching or best way that one teach. Andragogy is opposite of Pedagogy. It talks of how people learn. After careful comparison, l will say Andragogy is the best way of how people learn. After careful comparison, l would say Andragogy is the best way how people learn. In my present place of placement, understanding the class profile l adopt Andragogy and Pedagogy for my learners.
Concepts of Specialist Knowledge
Base on the curriculum of the subject l adopt Andragogy approach to enable learners to understand experiential learning..
Shared Out Come
Shared outcome is another way learner can learn because it focuses on Andragogy. …show more content…

It facilitates the process of learning by setting achievable goals and objectives. Designed by Grant Wiggins and Jay MC Tighe, the model scrutinises the traditional methods and suggests more coherent, versatile and conductive ways related to planning, teaching and assessing. The essence of the model lies in to begin with the end in mind. It simply implies to keep the destination in mind before taking the first leap thereby taking steps in the right …show more content…

However, although vygotsky 's writings were a large influence in the creation of the learning metaphor, he never actually used the term himself. The first comprehensive uses of the term scaffolding appear in a paper by wood, Bruner & Ross (1976). Wood et al., described scaffolding as a form of adult assistance “that enables a child or novice to solve a problem, carry out a task or achieve a goal which would be beyond his unassisted efforts" (Wood et al, 1976). Scaffolding, as is implied in its name, is the process of adding information to a learner’s instructions and tasks bit by bit. Once the child has acquired some mastery or expertise in one part of the task, additional parts may then be stacked onto the original, incrementally, as the child grasps each part of the concept. This means, a real change in the child 's cognitive development should take place during the scaffoldings process if the scaffolding is to be considered successful.
Using the same preceding scenario presented above, we can see the teacher broke down the task of learning to make a range of different sounds and of comprehending the concept, into manageable piece, presenting only as much information as the learner could take at one

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