Archie will focus on the fact that Marella did not have written records of the cheerleader’s performance readiness. Moreover, it is her opinion that a coach cannot supervise and spot more than one stunt group at a time and, on the day of the plaintiff’s injury, four to five groups were practicing at the same time. Archie will also base her opinion on what a reasonable coach should do as opposed to any rules or guidelines that were in place at the time of the plaintiff’s injury.
San Diego City Beat: A chronicle “I hate cheerleaders” written by Edwin Becker published on April 28, 2004. The author expresses a certain hatred against cheerleading and thinks that cheerleading is not a sport for girls. He further explains why he has this rage about them, first of all, he was not able to date them in high school more likely there was no chance and second of all, he hated the whole cheerleading premise. Why? Because he was told to go “woo woo” when he was not in the mood for it.
As their fame spread throughout the country, society began to call out the cheerleaders on their uniforms. However, this sparks the debate of whether their performance or their appearance drew
Faith and reason are thought to be foundations of defense for religious beliefs, having the same purpose many theologians and philosophers argue their relationship. Many believing that reason relies on faith while others think that just because you do not believe in one you are going to believe in the other, Karen Armstrong would agree since she suggests that they are not like political parties. Many theorists believe that reason is more on the logical side of the spectrum while faith is directed towards your beliefs and understandings of religious and theological claims. While scientists have argued they are not compatible because reason by itself gives us the answers to human life and faith is not a reliable source to provide us with those answers. Terry Eagleton suggests that they are one in the same and rely on each other.
The concept of inflexible thinking of cheerleaders is demonstrated when society doesn’t take the time to get to know someone due to the fact that they are a cheerleader, having the impression that they already know who they
Squad up by : sophie porter The world is always turning, around it’s own little center of gravity, but more importantly, around a center of gravity that brings all of the planets together as one. When I tried out for cheer I was hoping to add a new spin in my own life, but what I didn’t realize is that I would soon have to focus my orbit around a new center of gravity, the squad. Only after you join a team do you truly understand what the word commitment means. Making cheer was a turning point in my life for multiple reasons, one being because I had a real commitment to others.
Cheerleading should be a sport because of the requirements, definitions, and the dangers. You could go from point flyer to having to communicate by blinking an eye. Cheerleading meets the Woman’s Sport Foundation Requirements. One requirement is it must be a Physical activity which involves propelling a mass through space or overcoming the resistance of mass. Stunting, cheerleaders hold and throw other people into the air and push them up with their arms and legs.
Cheerleading is a sport that often goes unacknowledged for its athletic demands and time commitment required from its athletes. There are two main types of cheerleading today: high school cheering and competitive cheering. The main difference between the two is the amount of athleticism each athlete needs to obtain. Another difference is the time requirement for each. With both comes different financial demands and travel obligations.
Cheerleading goes beyond shaking poms and chanting cheers on the sidelines of a football or basketball game. In similarity to every other sport, with it come sprains, breaks, and severe injuries. In my mindset I was too well trained
Cheerleading is considered one of the most dangerous sports because many cheerleaders end up with severe and career-ending injuries. Some of the injuries cheerleaders experience are; ACL tears, skull fractures, and bicep tears. Cheerleaders start at a young age and mostly go to the age of 18, sometimes further, if they carry on their careers in college. Head coach Lauren Gryskiewicz, a veteran cheerleading judge says, “There are kids 4 years old doing things that
We’re not here to show you high school cheerleading. We’re here to show you the young women and men putting all of their free-time into a stuffy old gym. Trusting each other with their lives and defying gravity. We’re not here to show you the average athlete.
The purpose of these cheerleaders’ is to encourage fans and support their fellow sports teams. This type of cheerleading is the focus of the development of the cheerleader stereotype, as well as the focus of the argument that cheerleading is not a sport. In contrast to recreational cheerleading, competition cheerleading focus on a physically and mentally competitive atmosphere. While I concede that recreational cheerleading lacks many of the core requirements to be considered a sport, I reject the opinion that competitive cheerleading is not a sport.
The vast majority think about cheerleading as a feeble action that requires young ladies sprucing up in charming garbs and waving around tufts. On the other hand, cheerleading is an exceptional game that requires practice, devotion, and learning of abilities. Much the same as some other game, material science is included in cheerleading 100%. Material science is found in each and every movement and trick. Cheerleading depends on tricks, tumbling, and bounced and since material science is so included in this game it makes this game really exist.
What is Cheerleading? Many may think it’s a sport that you dress up, apply makeup, slick your hair with a bow, and simply put on a smile, and yell as loud as you can to keep the crowd pumped. Cheerleading includes all those easy and pretty factors, but it is also a sport that you stunt, tumble, and jump. Jumps and tumbling may seem really easy to many people, but there’s more work done than most might think is possible. Stunting is also a major element in cheer, and that’s what really pleases the crowd, but stunting takes tons of work.
The rivalry between students who believe they should be able to use their cell phones in class and teachers who believe them to be disrespectful has caused a ripple effect that now bleeds through many classrooms roaring its controversial head. And here we are stuck in an ongoing battle seldom won by students. The position that students should not be able to misuse their cell phones in a classroom setting is one held by the author of “Today 's Lesson: Life in the Classroom Before Cellphones” Louise Katz, who believes that “those halcyon days” were over (Katz). Likewise, Zoya Kahn, the author of “Why Cell Phones Do Not Belong In The Classroom” has a similar stance on the topic, Kahn states that “it is in everyone’s interest for instructors to