Essay About Learning Today

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Learn Something New Today and Everyday

Not so long ago, when you wanted to learn something new it meant spending a couple of days/nights a week in school, or spending hours at the local library during research. Today; access to new information to help you grow personally and professionally is right at your fingertips. If you have a smartphone or access to an Internet connection, you can learn anything that you want to know!

Here’s the real benefit to learning new skills: (1) Learning boosts your self-confidence by increasing your knowledge base, (2) it makes you more interesting to be around, and (3) it keeps your mind curious and open to new ideas.

Get motivated and invest in you! Challenge yourself to learn something new every day. It can benefit your career, your personal life, and your mental well-being. Start your …show more content…

Leadership is intuitively knowing where you have to go and understanding how to get there, showing good judgment in the quality of the decisions you make, and being accountable for the actions that flow from those decisions. Does this sound like you?

Leadership is the ability to influence people to come together to make something happen. It is the ability to get other people to do something important that they might not otherwise do. Leadership is having the courage to do the right thing – not necessarily doing things “by the book;” but doing what is right for each circumstance. Do you set a good example for others? No matter what the task, do you always try to do your best? Does this sound like you too?

People often confuse leadership with job titles or a position that someone occupies in a company or other organization. Being in charge doesn’t necessarily make you a leader. In fact, many leaders on a job, in a church, or in any other organization may not have a title. Yet, they inspire confidence in others and people turn to them to solve problems or for advice about how to do

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