Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay

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My Philosophy as a Strategic Leader

Philosophy is the guiding force behind a leader’s actions. It provides direction and a platform to describe one’s values. This platform changes as the leader grows and learns more about themselves and their leadership style. My personal leadership philosophy revolves around my followers, since without followers, there is no team to lead. This philosophy is the product of many years of leadership study, mentorship, and application. As a strategic leader, my personal leadership philosophy is to always put my followers first, to transform them into stronger leaders, and to give them all of my effort. When leaders put their followers first, the team’s safety, happiness, and efficiency increase. People cannot …show more content…

Leaders can advance their team’s leadership abilities by empowering them to think critically about situations and being open to new ideas. Allowing followers to act on command intent and not direct instructions allows them to advance as critical thinkers since they have to develop a strategy for completing the goal. When leaders allow their followers to create strategy, the leader trusts them, and because of this, the followers feel more supported by the leader. Furthermore, followers who think critically often develop new ideas on how to improve their environment and the mission. When leaders listen to, consider, and implement these ideas, then the environment advances through innovation and the team feels more supported by the leader. Another way that leaders can support their followers is by devoting all of their effort into the …show more content…

The most important aspect of my philosophy is putting my followers first. When followers are prioritized, they are safer and feel more supported, and because of this, they work harder. Next, I foster an environment of growth to develop and advance my followers and to generate new ideas. Empowering my followers to think critically by allowing them to develop solutions instead of giving instructions develops their leadership abilities. Furthermore, when followers are encouraged to think critically, new ideas can be generated to improve the work environment. Most importantly, I consider every idea and implement some of them. This grows the environment and my followers feel more supported. Lastly, I dedicate all of my effort into the team, which inspires the team to work harder. When the team sees me working hard, then they know that the mission matters, which motivates them to work equally hard. Overall, because my leadership philosophy focuses on the people, it fosters an environment of support, growth, encouragement, and motivation. By creating a positive, people focused, working environment, my team can accomplish tasks fast and efficiently to support a