They really live out the Christ centered part of the mission. Everywhere I look as a student at LCU I see Christ. This has to be one of the most challenging parts of the mission LCU has to accomplish because of all the different backgrounds the
When I was 15 I started going to day treatment. It was in Shiocton and was called Chaps Academy. It was in shiocton and was called Chaps Academy. It was for girls only and there were two groups. The first day I went to see it I saw the trainer lunging the horse.
Senior year is winding down and three things that has been on my mind lately, one of which is UChicago. As I am artsy fartsy and I have written a crap poem to showcase my love for UChicago. Will anyone read this? Probably not, but I will share anyway and probably change some of the wording and add it to my quality blog (; high quality) University of Chicago To my dearest love, I pardon that my deep affections towards you are unrequited, And that you have many fine suitors that beseech you as well, As my love for you is immortal; an inevitable consequence of Your profoundness, your passion, your splendor, and intellect.
Upon arriving to Miami Dade College, you will never imagine all the resources offered to students to succeed during their scholastic years. I’ve been lucky enough to been advised by some of the best staff at their Interamerican campus. From their advisement office to their profoundly knowledgeable professors. As a current student of ENC1102, we were required to attend one section with a tutor at the writing center. I always thought I had sufficient knowledge of the English language and taking time out of my busy schedule to attend a section with a tutor was absurd.
When I was was younger, I was a caterpillar crawling around trying to get through life, waiting to turn into the beautiful butterfly I know I could soon become. I made good decisions along with bad ones, saw the beauty in life as well as the unpleasant. I was like everyone else trying to be their own person, but now as I look at myself in the mirror I can finally see who I really am. I see myself as the beautiful butterfly I once dreamed of becoming, ready to fly down my own path. I have been in my chrysalis and I am finally out and ready to fly into my bright future.
When I first visited Berry College in my sophomore year of high school, I immediately could envision myself as a Viking. During my tour, I not only got to discover Berry’s beautiful campus and quaint buildings, but also witness the sense of community among both students and faculty. As a Christian, I value Berry’s Christian roots and principles, and it would be a blessing to go to a school where I would be able to find support and fellowship through campus ministries and fellow students. As I have continued through my high school career and have developed a better idea of what I want to accomplish with my life, I believe that Berry College would allow me an exceptional academic foundation for me.
The faculty truly care about you and your walk with Christ, making for an opportunity to greatly excel in the area of worship leadership. What I love about the campus is that it is large enough for you to relax in a hammock quietly on the outskirts of campus, but also small enough for you to meet up with friends on a moments notice. The students and professors are absolutely
I first started thinking about college seriously two years ago. Last year was when I first heard about your college, Dallas Baptist University. It sounded too good to be true. A college close to my home, I could drive home every other weekend. You have good programs and degrees based off of my career interests.
Introduction This paper is to define and understand who I am as a student and what direction I need to take to complete my degree and pursue a successful career in life. I was born in St. Ann, Jamaica to hardworking parents and I was raised in the catholic church. I grew up thinking about becoming a cosmetologist but as I become older my direction shifted to law. Unlike many of the other professionals, my passion as I migrated to the states was law because it is a great security aspect and my desire to be in the court room is always something I love, and would love to help people who are unable to secure a lawyer. I do believe with my desire and determination I can make a difference in this world: I can see myself running a law firm in years to come, once I work hard and put in the work.
I arrived at Aspire at 2 pm and met with Trinity, Moria, and Clare in the intern office. Then to start with I read over the confidentiality agreement and was explained the importance of it by Trinity. After signing the agreement, Trinity took Rebekah and me on a tour of the Aspire clinics facilities. Trinity gave us an idea of what all goes on at the Aspire clinic behind the scenes. After seeing everything on the tour, we went back to the intern office where Trinity explain to us opening and closing procedures, Dropbox & intro to important documents, the call log, calendar, website, checking clients in and out, and how to write receipts/ handle payments.
The beauty of the campus and close-knit community I observed was so welcoming and made me feel very comfortable. When touring the campus, the small class sizes and the fact that I wasn’t just a number to a professor was a big plus. Learning more about Jesuit aspect of the university was most impressive to me as I really admire how SCU prepares students with its three pillars of: competence, conscience, and compassion and motivates them to make a difference. I could already tell that this was the place in which not only students but professors and faculty would wholeheartedly support and guide me in pursuing my aspirations. Both my family and I knew that SCU was a home away from home which would: engage, prepare, and encourage me for my next leg of
When I started high school, the club that excited me the most, was National Honors Society. So, at the first chance I got, in my sophomore year. After being a member for a year, I quickly realized that I wanted to take on a leadership opportunity in the club. So, I took a shot for the stars, and campaigned for being president of Honors Society. Though I had some competition, I put my all into composing a speech, and I won the presidency, and I have been president since.
In my freshman year, I made a choice to relinquish some of my social life and replace that time giving back to my community. I joined a non-profit organization called the Volunteer Corp. We spent our time at food banks, park clean-ups, and even hosting local events. This experience left a lasting impression on me in many ways; however, one experience changed my perspective on life and serve as a constant reminder of how the smallest contribution to others can be the most powerful. St. Joseph University, in Philadelphia, held an event called Hand in Hand. It was an event dedicated to raising awareness for people with physical and/or developmental disabilities.
I’ve made friends, learned amazing things, and have the privilege of working with some of the most amazing instructors that exist anywhere. WCC isn’t just a community college to me. It was the place where I truly found who I wanted to be. WCC gave me the tools to succeed as a first-generation college student. By going here, it has lit a fire of passion in me to continue and get a degree in Chemistry.
Interviewing a Professor Going into the meeting I felt pretty good about it. I had my set of preplanned questions and I also had a common interest with my professor. Dr. Martens is the lady I decided to interview. I chose to interview her because she teaches one of my Political Science classes.