Personal Narrative: My Journey To Starkfield

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It all began when my father died, and I had to leave Worcester college to take of my Mother. I had just left Starkfield and was ready to become an engineer, but I knew I had to come home and take care of my Mother. She was sick and needed my assistance because she was all alone. Each day she grew more and more silent, and each day I lived through my misery. My cousin Zeena came to stay with me and helped take care of my mother so I could care for the farm. Later, when my mother passed away, I asked her to stay with me, and we got married. I just couldn’t stand the silence and I was afraid to be alone.
Later, my wife’s cousin’s parents died, and she had nowhere to go. Her extended family did not want to take her and because she was a woman she …show more content…

While walking up the hill, I put my arm around her, and we headed to the back door of the house. I then realized that Zeena had locked the door, and she came to reveal she was feeling ill, so she went to bed early. The following morning Zeena informed me she was leaving Starkfield to visit a doctor, to receive treatment. Later that night, Mattie prepared a nice meal for us to share together. Mattie even went to the top shelf to grab our finest pickle dish to make the table look nice; the cat knocked the dish over and broke it. Mattie was then overcome with emotions and guilt, but I told her not to worry because I would put the pieces back together on the shelf and later glue it together.
The next morning, I went into town to get the glue, and when I returned home I was greeted by Zeena. When I greeted Zeena she acted hostile and announced we had a new hired girl coming to work for us. Zeena then explained that Mattie’s help around the house isn’t sufficient enough and that she needs to be replaced. Later that night, Mattie realizes I am upset about something. I then take her into my arms and kiss her and tell her that Zeena wants her to

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