My Mother's Actions Have Affected My Life

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Ever since the day of my birth, my mother’s actions have affected me throughout my life. I have such vivid memories of her dragging me into unnecessary and dangerous situations. At the beginning of second grade on a humid fall day of 2006 in Athens, Georgia, my mother made one of the worst decisions of her life. Furious at her boyfriend, she forced me into her car while driving under the influence of alcohol to a gas station where she thought he was. The radio was blasting Beyoncé as my mother sang along at the top of her lungs. With the windows down and the pressure from all directions, I now had a pounding headache. I was grappling with the wind, the music, and the speed which my mother was going on the poorly paved roads. It appeared that my life was flashing before me as she sped down the surface street. Suddenly, she stopped singing, turned down the music, and began furiously swearing. This was the first time that I had ever seen my mother swear at anyone other than her boyfriend. The sounds of sirens rang through the air like the shriek of a hyena ending my mom’s frantic night drive. The car 's run-down interior began flashing red and blue lights illuminating the tears rolling down from my mother’s face. A tall figure with a masculine voice exited his jet …show more content…

In my recent years, I’ve come to the conclusion that each obstacle I’ve overcome turned me into a better person. I’ve become more independent, empathetic to others around me, and I’ve turned into a more kind person. If my mom never received her DUI, I wouldn’t be able to attend Servite or have any of the relationships I have right now. This event from the past teaches me so many valuable lessons that are still practical to my life. It shows me how important it is to surround yourself with good people and make good friend choices. More importantly, this shows the repercussions and aftermath of driving under the

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