Personal Narrative Essay: The Legend Of American Football

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Danny was running with the ball when my cousin Miguel kicked the ball away. “You are never going to make a goal on me,” Miguel yelled. That 's when the ball came rolling to Vincent. Vincent was getting ready to kick when Danny announced,“miss”.Vincent looked up and took a shot with the ball. It went up in the air and turned to the right. The ball flew into someone’s yard.
Miguel stated,”I’m not getting that because I did not kic Danny was running with the ball when my cousin Miguel kicked the ball away. “You are never going to make a goal on me,” Miguel yelled. That 's when the ball came rolling to vincent. Vincent was getting ready to kick when Danny announced,“miss”.Vincent looked up and took a shot with the ball. It went up in the …show more content…

Vincent started getting nervous. Vincent told himself,”they are not going to bite me.” Vincent looked around,when Vincent blasted to the ball. Vincent was running as fast as he could. One dog broke out which made the other dogs break out. All of the dogs ran at Vincent which made him scared. Vincent grabbed the ball and screamed “Help Miguel and Danny.” Miguel and Danny went over the fence and shouted “Throw the ball to us.” Vincent threw the ball and ran toward the fence. The dogs were catching up to Vincent. Vincent tried to jump to the fence but Miguel replied”Do not jump because the fence is slippery.” Vincent was so close to the fence but Vincent turn right. Vincent was getting tired, that’s when the dogs caught up. Vincent asked if “Miguel or Danny distract them?” Miguel distracted the dogs by throwing pine cones. That’s when Vincent ran to the fence and climbed over. It was a relief until Vincent climbed to the top of the fence. The dogs hit the fence and Vincent fell to the ground.Vincent had broken his arm. That’s when Miguel and Danny called Vincent’s dad;he came out with Danny and Miguel. They explained what happened to Vincent’s arm. Miguel

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