Personal Narrative: The Moments That Change Us Forever

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¨It's the moments together that change us forever¨- Unknown, There were 2 months of school left!!! I was so thrilled to hang with my friends and staying up late having a blast at my friend's party. Even though it was 2 months it felt like 2 years. Like any 7 year old we want the perfect summer. My friends and I were talking about what we were going to do over the summer and If they had any plans. But we all know that one kid that goes to this extraordinary place like Paris or Mexico and the rest of are stuck here. The day after that, our teacher was talking about smoking and the horrifying things it can cause to our lungs. Anyway we forgot about it. About a week later, I was having fun with my grandpa playing some basketball and …show more content…

Except there was this one teacher that really liked me and so she called me down to talk to me about why I haven't turned in those 13 assignments yet. So I just sat there like a frozen like a statue just looking at her trying not to cry. But I exploded with tears and told her what was going on and she told me that everything was going to be ok and she told me about a similar situation that happened to her. So about two hours later she told me that I should probably go upstairs because I Won´t understand the homework. So I felt a little better after that I turned in most of my missing homework. The teacher just said ¨don't worry about¨ I just smiled and said thank you. One week later my grandpa passed away cause of lung cancer. I started to cry again and yell at myself like why didn't I spend more time with him and why I did stop him from smoking that one cigarette I saw him smoking. I started to cry even more. Immediately, my mom walked in sobbing. At this point my dad pulled up on the driveway and walked in and saw us crying my mom talked to him about what happened and he started to tear up but he told that everything was going to be ok. We were going to pick up my sister from after school intramurals and after that we were going to get something to eat. Before I left I saw a picture of my grandpa and me smiling and hugging. Two weeks

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