The Republican party was the first party to exist. They believe a relationship with Great Britain would put them under a smaller country thumb. They wanted to have complete Independence. They believe that if the states add power it would form a better relationship with the federal government. and this would make it easier for the country to take care of its people.
Rebuilding the Grand Old Party We were all in. As president of the local Young Republicans chapter, I made the executive decision to shift our entire political operation (all five active members) to support a longshot political novice. We were committed to working for Republican nominee Sarah Davis in her bid to become the State Representative for southwest Houston. It seemed clear to me that Sarah Davis represented the future of the Party: a refreshing young candidate eager to listen to the concerns of the next generation, a successful female lawyer ready to alter the perception of a Texas politician, a self-described “rational Republican” willing to buck her Party’s establishment in support of progressive policy prescriptions.
Democrat or Republican? I am a democrat. My first reason why I support the democratic side is because I believe that the wealthy needs to pay more taxes. My second reason is that I believe in quality, affordable healthcare.
A republican government would work in America because its foundations are built on the inclusion of citizens in government decisions, as well as the protection of individual rights and freedoms. , A republican government includes many “ideas and inherited experiences that the framers drew upon in writing the Constitution” (13). The American people value the separation of powers to ensure one body does not gain too much authority, being able to contribute to government decisions, as well as putting great minds together to work towards what is best for the whole nation. By stressing unalienable rights and individual liberties, a republican form of government encompasses numerous American
No worries, I didn’t feel slighted at all. I considered it friendly banter, and I do have a tendency to say what I mean, and mean what I say :-) Therefore, I will point out that you did/do sound a bit patronizing, i.e. “well meaning” which denotes failure. This doesn’t offend me, in fact, I find it amusing :-) Liberals have a a plethora of tremendous accomplishments, that could be said began with Lincoln ideals.
The Republican Party, frequently mentioned as the GOP (Grand Old Party) is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States created on March 20, 1854, is the second most popular political party and is the rival with the Democratic Party. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party has almost nothing in common. The Republican Party believe that there shouldn’t be federal college loans, but instead private loans. The republicans, a member of the Republican Party, also believe that there should be low government spending and minimal involvement. They want the government’s role to stay as low as possible, letting the private part and individual citizens to form the state.
Political Stance Paper: I can proudly and firmly say that I am a Conservative Republican. Reason being is that I stand behind the constitution, and behind our founding fathers. Ways of life has drastically changed from a hundred years ago to today. I wouldn't say by any means for the best either.
The views on Federalist vs. Democratic:Republican Party Are you with the Democratic:Republican or Federalist party? Well there is many differences and similarities. The Federalist are more of a strong federal government and the Democratic:Republican were wanting more of a strong state government. Also, the Federalist were a Loose Interpretation of the Constitution. The Democratic:Republican were the opposite, they were Strict Interpretation of the Constitution.
Some people believe that taxes should be lowered, the money that the people make should go directly to them. Others believe that taxes should be raised in order to help other people. Others also believe that people that make more money should pay more taxes and people that make less money should pay less taxes. The Republican Party believes that taxes should be lowered for all. The taxes that would be taken out would go to the necessities of the government, like enforcing contracts, maintaining national security, and protecting the citizens against criminals.
I personally feel I am more of a Democrat than a Republican. American Politics The two major political parties of the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans. There are also third parties such as the Constitution party, the Green party, the Independent party, and the Libertarian party. The Democratic and the Republican Party constantly compete with each other trying to promote their political ideals and searching the means for maintaining their continuous political leadership.
The Republican Party has a more conservative belief for the running of the nation. They believe that taxes should not be increased for
It would also make the nation’s wealth grow helping the economy become more
A Republican describes a government made up of representatives who are elected by the citizens. If you live in the United States, you’re part of a republican system of government. Republican Party. The Republican Party began at a protest meeting in Ripon, Wisconsin, on 28 February 1854 as a group of antislavery activists, known as free soilers, met to start a new grass roots movement. The first party convention took place in Jackson, Michigan,
I am a born and raised West Texas white male. The demographic should speak for itself. I side myself with the Republican Party, with mostly Libertarian views and a couple of Democratic to be honest. Growing up, politics was something that we did not talk about too often, we actually would tend to avoid it. I would remember when my father told once and only once what being a Republican meant, and what being a Democrat meant.
The GOP support Second Amendment rights, the right to bear arms, to ensure that everyone has the ability to defend themselves not only from criminals, but also from enemies trying to attack. Abortion is not viewed favorably by most Republicans and neither is stem-cell research. The Republicans are also mainly against LGBT marriage rights but not just because they do not agree with the idea, but because they believe the decision should be left to the states. The Democrats are the complete opposite. Democrats try to limit the Second Amendment as much as possible.