
Personal Narrative: My Decision To Play Football

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My friend and I went to the park and when we did we decided to play football. Down, Set, Hut I shouted as he ran for the ball and missed by a couple of inches because I over thru it. Lane “my friend” said “ ok let me be QB” one more try I said. Down, Set, Hut lane runs out for the ball and as he is running he tripped over a rock and hits his head on a bolder. As I pull out my phone to call 911 I don't hear lane breathing they pick up the phone and I say “Hi my friend tripped over a rock and is hit his head on a bolder but I do not think he is breathing”. They said to check his pulse, I think to myself wow I totally forgot. As I run over there to him there is no pulse. I am yelling into the phone crying I say “ there is no pulse” they say calm down they have already …show more content…

Almost a second later I thought to myself my friend could be dead.When the paramedics get hear they put him on a stretcher and they say your friend is badly injured. That saying made me burst into tears and I ran home to tell my mom, I said “we need to go to the hospital immediately”. She asked why, I said there is no time for questions grab the keys and get into the car. As we are in the car I said lane is dead. My mom screams “WHAT” I said yes he hit his head on a bolder. When we walk into the hospital I asked the doctor is he fine. The doctor said who you looking for buddy, lane woods. The doctor says oh ok let me check and see if you can go and see him, I said ok. As the doctor is walking out of the room I sat down on a chair as worried as anyone could ever be. when the

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