
Personal Narrative: My Desire To Persist In Continuing Education

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Many of the participants expressed their desire to persist in continuing their education at some point in their future. Several of the participants expressed their feelings by setting examples for their children that no matter what their circumstance may be, they must persist in completing their education. Participant one, Anna, stated, “ It is very important to me to persist and go back to college because, without an education, I am stuck in a negative place. I feel like a hamster running around a wheel. That is why it is so important for me to get out of this circle. Also, I must say that my faith in God is the only thing I can think of, and I have a goal and in that goal is what I am trying to reach. My faith in God is what will help me take each step to get …show more content…

I want to make my own money, and wanting to have a better life for me and my children means a lot. I would like to go into business management if my health permits.” Participant five, Andria, says, “I really want to go back to school, so I can get a higher degree. My career goal would be to get another degree, maybe a doctor, I don’t know.” Participant six, Christy, stated that “I want to find another job. A higher paying job that will allow me to go back to school as well as being an example for my child. I want them to see that a higher education can boost your lifestyle. I want to continue my education in business management to get a leadership position.” Participant seven, David, said, “I would like to go back to college soon because I need to get higher pay for what I do as a mechanic. I need more computer skills”. Participant eight, Ross, explained, “if I had a chance to return to college, it would be in the field of aerodynamics. Returning to college is very important to me.” Participant nine,Mickey, said, “I didn’t have too many obstacles because of my family supported me when I needed them to care for my kids. My family knew how important it was for me to finish my degree and

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