Personal Narrative: My Essay In College

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Throughout my life, I truly believed that I was amazing at writing due to the grades I received on my essays in the English class. I thought it would be totally impossible not to be enrolled into Honors English my freshman year. However, the impossible became possible, and I was placed into regular English which devastated me. This made me seek revenge towards the school, to show them the mistake that they had committed, so I set up a goal to be accepted into Honor English 2 my sophomore year. To this day, I remember the anxiety flowing through me as I received my sophomore schedule from the school staff. My mom, completely oblivious towards the power of the black and white piece of paper, kept telling me to open my schedule. I hesitated, but I finally decided to open it and the first thing I see is Period 3, Hon English 2, Mrs. Guertin. I was ecstatic! I wanted to jump out of excitement and joy! Although, I did not because it would have been extremely embarrassing so I waited until we left the building and got inside of my mom’s car. I had …show more content…

The last bit of motivation that was in me came to an end when I received my grade for an in-class essay that we had done on an independent reading book. Again, Mrs. Guertin would call my name and I would walk up to her. She handed me the essay and I quickly grabbed it and walked back to my seat. I sat down and searched for the grade on the essay. I could not find a score anywhere! Frantically, I flipped the piece of paper, front and back, and saw nothing. Then, I decided to actually read the comments that Mrs. Guertin had left. I specifically remember one comment, that terrified me, saying, “Manuel, what happened?”. The following week, I ended up coming in early in order to redo the in-class essay due to the fact that I had failed to correctly answer the prompt. Afterwards, the score I had received on the redo was a

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