Jackie Robinson stated one of my favorite quotes, "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. " For two semesters, I have participated in the Community College Completion Corps. I have served as both Sub-Chair planner and Vice President of membership; in the former position I led the campaign. This event educates Tarrant County College Southeast Campus students as wells as faculty members about the importance of graduating from community college.
My proudest achievement would be getting into Cumberland International Early College and making it oy my senior year. The three years I have spent at Cumberland International have been very difficult because of many reasons such as being on the campus of Fayetteville State University, taking almost two years of high school in only two semesters, and being pushed to excel from the beginning in order to prepare to take full level college courses by our tenth grade year. Although I struggled during my time at CIECHS it was a truly amazing opportunity to be accepted as the third graduating class of its time. Being at a school that had only been running for two full years has both positive and negative aspects. We were changing the curriculum
When I was was younger, I was a caterpillar crawling around trying to get through life, waiting to turn into the beautiful butterfly I know I could soon become. I made good decisions along with bad ones, saw the beauty in life as well as the unpleasant. I was like everyone else trying to be their own person, but now as I look at myself in the mirror I can finally see who I really am. I see myself as the beautiful butterfly I once dreamed of becoming, ready to fly down my own path. I have been in my chrysalis and I am finally out and ready to fly into my bright future.
I personally believe that the Ohio State Academy would be a tremendous opportunity for me. I see the Academy as a way to get accustomed to the rigor of college, as well as an opportunity to push myself academically. It would allow me to graduate from college quicker, which would enable post-graduate studies to be a more feasible option. Rather then continuing to be held back in my education, the Ohio State Academy would let me excel past high school curriculum. Another major advantage of this post-secondary program is the, although counter-intuitive, ability to be more involved in my high school extracurricular activities.
I had joined Kctcs criminal justice program my junior year where i changed my attitude and respect for other completely and while i was changing the way i acted i was building a new character i was growing up and getting different morals and beliefs. I soon was a class sea grant twice and i have now been class commander for two years in a row showing that my leadership skills have grown tremendously throughout high school. Even though many people thought I would never go far in life when they first meet me in my freshmen year or before i didn't let that stop me from growing and getting over the old habits. Looking at my transcript you will see i did horribly my freshmen year and started doing very good towards my junior year many people would be disappointed if there's looked like that but not I, I'm proud that I was the way I was because not many people can say they have came as far
Through my hard work and dedication, I was rewarded with many academic achievements. I was inducted into the National Beta Club and the National CTE Honors Society I also received an academic all-star award my junior year. I was able to have room in my schedule to dual enroll at Sampson Community College and take to college credit
My most significant endeavor since attending community college would be helping my community to receive an Adult Daycare. Thought this endeavorer I have applied my knowledge that I have learned about the disease to educate others in my community who may not have to know the impact of it. I have also used and sought the aid of my relationship that I have built by being at my community college. This Adult Daycare service or Coltrane LIFE center is something that I am passionate about having in my hometown. My grandpa has Alzheimer's and I have seen the stress that tolls on the family and caregiver.
My whole life long, I have been trying to find a place where I can truly fit in. I have also been worried about what I would do when I grew up. I was torn between my passion for horses and my passion for performing. There was no way I could give up one for the other, so I searched the net for Christian colleges that had majors in both equine studies and vocal performance and there it appeared: Asbury University. It was manna from Heaven.
College ruins the world. Everyday families struggle financially to send their children to college. Why should we spend money on more education. Isn't twelve years enough? Since college is, and will always will be in high demand, the prices are always increasing.
When I first graduated high school I thought I wanted to be a pilot to fly airplanes, so I signed up to attend classes at Kishwaukee College located in DeKalb. ECC helped me sing up for classes at an in district rate because Elgin could not offer the courses that I wanted to me. During the first semester I found out that I did not want to become a pilot anymore and that I would be happier if I changed and focused on computer science. The advisors helped me schedule classes back at ECC for computer science then next semester. During the last year and a half at ECC I have been able to start fulfilling my education goals by getting a good education and find out what I want to go to college for.
Before I began looking for colleges Syracuse to me was just a school with a really good Basketball team. But, I didn 't become interested in Syracuse University as a school until when I first started looking for colleges of my liking. Throughout my search for colleges, Syracuse was a school that stuck, it had everything I was looking for: top of the line education as well as a great business program in the Whitman School of Management. Sparked by my interest in Syracuse I prompted my guidance counselor to plan a trip to visit while in my junior year. When I visited the college I first noticed how gorgeous the campus was.
I can contribute my hard work to the Honors College community. I think that I am hardworking and I love to work with others to help solve problems because two heads are always better than one. I would contribute my ideas to the lessons and help others when they need it. I love to be able to work with other people outside my comfort zone and be able to hear their ideas and combine ideas to come up with something that will benefit everyone in the community.
After graduating high school and witnessing the family problems going on at home, I decided to live with my parents and attend a community college. My college career had a rough beginning. Soon after I began the fall semester, the arguments at home were intolerable and lead to my parent’s divorce. Not only did I have to deal with school assignments, now I had to recover from the psychological abuse I had suffered. Although it was a very difficult time for me, I kept myself distracted with school so that I would not think about my family issues.
Taking classes like Calculus 1 and Physics 1, I aimed to be ambitious by tackling the world with my mind a mere freshman. Getting accepted to the Collegiate Science and Technological Entry Program (CSTEP) at the school allowed me to accomplish a part of my goals for the program gave me support from its advising sessions, tutoring assistance, and suggestions on what’s the next after graduation. My freshman year at OCC not only gave me an understanding what physics was, but made me realize that I can actually do physics. Thanks to OCC and the CSTEP program, I also got to tack on new challenges of my life such as being an Aerospace Scholar, and working on my first internship at Cornell University. Because of what my community college has done for me, I felt that
The first half of this semester was swift and I can’t believe how fast it passed by. College is a whole new world for me that I had never imagined with a lot of new experiences that I hope will shift me into a better and smarter person. There are more things I can do in college that I would have never dared to do in high school and I am happy for these new freedoms. I am able to eat in class, leave class without asking and they don’t care if I pay attention or not. My high school teachers would always tell me to wait for the bell, sometimes would not let me leave and if I did not pay attention they would yell.