
Personal Narrative: The Bus Driver In Montgomery Alabama

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December 1, 1955 seemed like any other day to me. I woke up, got ready, and went to work. I never thought that any aspect of my life would have an impact on so many people in the extraordinary way it did. As I grew up, I started to notice the drastic amounts of inequality and segregation in our supposed to be 'free' nation. I knew that a change needed to be made, and we needed equal treatment and rights for everyone.

So when I boarded the bus that December evening in Montgomery Alabama, I was exhausted from work and ready to go home. I recognized the bus driver because he had once pushed me off the bus, just because I came through the front door. Even remembering that experience, I still stepped on the bus and paid my fare.

"Good evening sir," I said to …show more content…

Now just go take your seat," he said. He looked up and glared at me, so I rushed to the back of the bus and took my seat in the colored section. The bus was already starting to fill up fast, and I knew that there were not very many more seats left.

We were pulling up to the next stop, and we weren't very far from my home. Many people came on the bus taking up the remanding seats. One white man was left without a seat, and he went back up to the bus driver. Suddenly the bus driver got up and came over to my row on the bus.

"Everyone, you must move to the back so that this gentleman can have a seat," said the bus driver. Everyone in my row glanced at each other, but we all remained seated. "Did you people hear me? I said to get out of your seats!" Reluctantly, everyone got out of their seats and moved to the back like the driver had said. I however remained where I was seated and didn't move. "Excuse me, Miss, but you will have to give up your seat like the others around you."

"Why do I have to give up my seat? I was on the bus first, and it isn't right for you to force me to move. I've been working hard all day, and I am too tired to stand in the back of this bus," I said to the

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