
College Admissions Essay: How The Military Changed My Life

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When I was growing up, I experienced many hardships that most people don 't endure. I grew up in the city of Phoenix, Arizona with little to nothing. I had one little sister and an older sister and brother. Even though I was young I knew how difficult my parents had it. My mom worked three jobs and my dad worked in construction just to barely support us. My goal in school was to achieve above and beyond, only earning A’s and B’s so that one day I could take care of my parents. My parents never saw me as a “worthy” child since I was always compared to my older brother believing that I would follow in his footsteps; making his mistakes like dropping out of college and getting into trouble with law enforcement. They put me down and compared me …show more content…

I prepared early by joining naval junior reserve officer training corps(NJROTC) my freshman year of highschool. I joined and competed in many activities such as air rifle, armed drill exhibition, chain gang, community service, and orienteering. The unit taught me discipline and how to become a leader. It gave me the advantage I desired to be one step closer to becoming a Marine. The military is seen throughout history serving and protecting a greater cause than their own. Historically, the United States would have never existed without a military. It was the organized revolutionary army that earned us freedom from Great Britain. The purpose of the military is to protect a nation’s citizens and territory from threats. The military gave me a different perspective to see the greater good is more important than myself. However, 10 years from now I believe the military would drastically change. Technology has leaped to new heights in the year 2015 and I believe it will become more advanced each year. Technology is implemented in everyday society and mostly in the military. This allows new aircrafts, vehicles, weapons, and communications to be upgraded; making them even deadlier than before. Although, this seems to be dangerous the U.S military has dire issues to fix. Soldiers coming home are the biggest issue. Most soldiers return with devastating wounds, PTSD, unemployment, or their homeless. However, protecting the greater good means you 're willing to give up

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